

How to understand an earning site real or fake?

Today I am coming to you not with a review of any app, game, or mobile but with an explanation of a very important question of the present time. You have understood what question you are talking about by looking at the title and thumbnail.

Nowadays, the topic of earning online has received a lot of attention. It is now possible to earn money online in many sectors. But there are also some fraudsters online who are cheating people. Because of this, many are losing interest in working online, and many are being cheated by stepping into their scams.

So today I will share with you how you can understand whether any earning site is real or fake. If you can apply the methods that I will tell you here, then there will be a 93% chance that you will be able to distinguish between real and fake earning sites. And the remaining 7% is not possible to guarantee, you have to understand that yourself. So let's go to the main topic without further ado.

How to understand an earning site real or fake?

1. Search on YouTube

You know YouTube is the biggest video platform. Here you will find videos of almost everything if you search. So if you are going to start working on a site online, then first search on YouTube by writing the name of that site. Searching on YouTube you need to notice 2 things:

1. What the video says about the site: Yes, this is the 1st step. First watch and listen to what the YouTubers are saying about the site in the video. But it is not enough to watch only 1-2 big YouTubers' videos. You need to watch at least 10+ videos, be it small and big YouTubers.

Visit my site: earningwithrid.blogspot.com

And it should be identified whether there is any discrepancy between what they said. If there is no discrepancy, then the site will pass in the 1st step, and if there is a discrepancy between their words, then the next steps should be better identified.

2. What people are saying in the comments on the video: Sometimes YouTubers avoid the downsides of getting sponsored. Many sites promote their sites by creating YouTube channels themselves. In that case, it becomes difficult to understand whether the site is good or bad. So for that, we should see what people are saying in the comments on the video.

However, many times the people of the site are scammed and comment themselves, and if they comment, then they will say the good things, right? It is not enough to see 10-15 comments for this. Check about 50-100 comments on each video. Because if a video has 100 comments, they will comment at most 5-15, but the rest will be done by real people.


2. Search Google

I hope you don't need to say anything new about Google. So in Google, you will search by writing the name of the site, then you will search in Google whether there is any content about that earning site on other websites. If so, what are they saying in that content and what are people saying in the comments of that content? You have to check all of these.


3. Search on Facebook

When any earning site is new in the market, its first target is to promote itself on Facebook. Because now almost every person uses Facebook. So whether it is new or old, you will find a Facebook group, page, or one or the other post about any earning site. Now the task is to see what is said in that group or post and what people are saying in the comments.

And since we can talk to each other on Facebook, if you see a lot of negative comments in a comment, ask 3-4 of them about the site by replying to the message or comment. However, if the negative comments are more than 50%, close your eyes and leave the site at your own risk.


4. Do not deposit

There is a type of site among the earning sites where you have to make a deposit before you start earning. I suggest you do only one thing never work on any site asking for a deposit. You will see the site disappear after making the deposit. But if someone you know very well has worked on a site where the deposit has to be made in advance and he has earned more money than the deposit amount, then you can check the above 3 steps once and then work on that site if you want.

But deposit sites are mostly fake. So I will highly recommend that if you are not 100% sure then don't earn by depositing on the deposit site.

So these were the tips on how to know if today's earning site is real or fake. I hope these will be useful for you, especially those who want to start working online or those who have been cheated once and are now in doubt whether to do it again or not.


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