

TOP 5 WordPress Theme : Popular WordPress themes

There are various problems to be encountered when starting blogging. One of the problems is WordPress themes. There are many types of themes available online, including paid themes and free themes. If you have a budget to do this then you can use paid theme and if you want to use a free theme also.

Many times those who start new blogging do not understand which theme will be good for their WordPress site. Depending on the themes, the site will improve. That's why a good quality and beautiful-looking theme should be used.

Today we will learn about the Top 5 WordPress Themes:

TOP 5 wordpress theme

Generatepress Theme: Another good theme for WordPress sites is called Generatepress. You can try this theme on the WordPress site, it is a wonderful theme in one word. This theme is used by many big sites. If you want, you can use generatepress's paid theme or its free theme. It is the most preferred theme for WordPress.

Read More: What is WordPress?

JNews Theme: Many prebuilt websites are available in it. Some of the popular Prebuilt website Demo names are Jnews News Default theme and Jnews Newspaper Theme. One of the reasons for its popularity is that its speed is optimized a lot. Moreover, it is mobile responsive. 

The rating of various developers about it shows how popular it has become at present. Currently, there are two versions of the Jnews Theme. This theme company has been rated by various users, with a total of 672 real user reviews that have given it a rating of 4.86.

Newspaper Theme: The most sold theme and the most downloaded theme is the Newspaper theme. Till the time I am writing this post, this theme has been downloaded around 5,15,00,00,000 so it is clear how popular it is with blockers. So you can use this theme.

Hestia Theme: One of the themes mentioned above is one of the most unique and unique designs. So those who want your WordPress site to be different from other WordPress can download and use Hestia. It has both a free version and a paid version. You can use it as per your wish.

Astra Theme: Sixth on my list is Astra. Using it allows you to upload a beautiful theme to your site. This theme has become very popular in a short time. Many big sites have uploaded this theme. This theme has a free version and a paid version. You can use a paid version or a free version according to your budget.

The theme usually enhances the beauty of a side. You can create your WordPress site using the above themes. These themes are among the current Top 5 WordPress themes. You can customize your site beautifully through themes.

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