

What is a supercomputer?

The number of computer users in today's world is increasing. The computer is reaching the hand. However, human needs have no limits. People are constantly improving their needs and work-related technologies. Especially the advancement of computer technology has made people's lives much easier. And by improving this computer, the supercomputer has been created. Today we will know about that supercomputer.

What is a supercomputer?

What is a supercomputer?

A supercomputer is the most powerful computer ever built. A computer can process data very quickly. It is a thousand times more powerful than a normal computer. High high-powered supercomputer performance is measured in FLOPS (floating-point operations per second) rather than MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second). A supercomputer can have more than a thousand processors. One is connected to the other. A large room may be required to house a supercomputer. The price of this computer is very high. It can be used in large organizations. Because it is very expensive. Multiple workers can work simultaneously on this computer. It has a multitasking facility.

A brief history of supercomputers

Supercomputers were developed in the 1960s by Seymour Roger Cray of the University of Manchester. Later in 1964 supercomputers were designed. Which was the world's first computer. High-powered processors were used in supercomputers in the 1980s. Then in the 1990s, the USA and Japan developed supercomputers with thousands of processors. Its performance was a thousand times higher than before. Rich parallel computers with off-the-shelf processors were widely developed in the late 20th century. By the beginning of the 21st century, more than 60,000 multi-processor computers had been manufactured. Its speed reached petaFlops and performance was improved.
It has been developing rapidly since then.

Supercomputer power

Supercomputers are much more powerful than ordinary computers. Any complex and difficult calculation can be done easily on the supercomputer. It supports multiple users simultaneously. It is capable of performing large calculations in machine language. Which is impossible for humans to do. CPU (Center Processing Unit) is the most important part of the computer. The higher the capacity, the more powerful the computer. Normal computers usually have 1 CPU. A supercomputer can have more than one CPU. Then think about the performance of supercomputers. Can be a thousand times more powerful than a normal computer. Each CPU is high-powered. It can handle large-scale calculations. The instruction process is fast and can give quick results. It compiles instructions and executes them through arithmetic and logical operations.

Use of supercomputers

Supercomputers are developed to perform larger, more complex, and difficult tasks. That is why it is not usually used at the personal level. Supercomputers are installed on all those applications that require real-time processing. Supercomputers are used in scientific simulations and research. Such as weather forecasting, physical and chemical sciences, complex animation, nuclear research and design, graphics design, etc. It is also used in the medical field.

Supercomputers are used in testing military components. Supercomputers are used to test the effects of explosions on scientific nuclear weapons. Supercomputers are also used in entertainment and mobile gaming. When many users are playing games at once, throttling helps keep supercomputer performance stable.

Difference between normal computer and supercomputer

There is a stark difference between supercomputers and ordinary computers. A supercomputer can have more than a thousand processors. On the other hand, a typical computer has only one processor. Supercomputers were not intended for personal use but for use in large organizations. Supercomputers can perform more complex and difficult calculations than ordinary computers. Supercomputers are very large and require a large room to house them. Normal computers are much smaller. The analogy between a supercomputer and a normal computer can be like that of an elephant and a cat.

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