

What is WordPress? How does it work?

WordPress is a very famous content management which helps you to work on that website or blogging. Here you can work for free and customize according to your needs.

Some features of WordPress:

  • User Friendly: You can use it very easily and it is very convenient for beginners.
  • Customization: There are thousands of themes and plugins that you can add to your website.
  • SEO Friendly: There are thousands of tools for search engines.
  • Responsive Design: You can do it on mobile or desktop.
  • Community Support: WordPress has a very large community here. From here you solve your problem.

WordPress Login:

  • Web Hosting and Domain: First you need to buy a web hosting and domain.
  • Database creation: Create a database from your hosting control.
  • Login and Customization: Login to WordPress log in to the main dashboard and customize your site.

If you want to start WordPress, then you need to acquire expertise and skills in this subject and start working on a blog or site by thinking about various technical issues. We are giving more detailed information about WordPress below.

Key components of WordPress:

  • Dashboard: Dashboard is the main panel of WordPress from here you can control everything on your site.
  • Themes: You can design your site through themes. There are thousands of free and premium themes. If you want you can use the free theme and take the premiere.
  • Plugins: Using them can increase the functionality of WordPress.
  • Posts and Pages: Can write content on posts and pages. Posts are usually used for blocks or news and pages are usually used for permanent content.

WordPress Security:

Some steps to keep WordPress site secure:

  • Keep Updated: Update themes and plugins regularly to keep your WordPress site secure.
  • Use Strong Password: Make a very strong password here.
  • Backup: Keep regular backups from the site.
  • Create an e-commerce site: Create a WordPress e-commerce site here you can do it very easily and you will benefit a lot from here.

Below are some steps to do this:
  • Add Products: Add products to your site and use the product's price, date of manufacture, expiry date, and image.
  • Payment gateway: You can accept payment through PayPal if you want.
  • Shipping options: Here you can configure different options.
  • Customization: You can use themes and plugins to customize your site.
  • Blogging on WordPress: Blogging on WordPress is a very easy and suitable platform.

Below are some steps on how to start blogging:

  • Content Plan: Create content and post it regularly.
  • Add images and videos: Add images or videos inside the post to make it interesting.
  • Reader Engagement: Keep the comment section active and interact with readers.
  • Sharing options: Share on social media.

If the reader wants to know about a specific subject then he can inform him about it.

WordPress Community: You can join WordPress comments to solve various problems.

What is Google Adsense?

Google AdSense is an advertising platform that allows website owners to earn money by displaying ads. Ads related to your website are displayed here.
Steps to Setup Adsense on a WordPress Site:

  • AdSense Account Creation: Go to your WordPress account fill out the Google AdSense application and wait for your site to be approved.
  • Add unit creation: Go to the dashboard and log in to the plugin.
  • Create a new ad unit from the By ad unit.
  • Select Ad Account Type and Size.
  • Adding Ad Code to WordPress Site: Login to your WordPress dashboard and edit your profile to add an ad.

Adsense and Content Strategy:

  • Content update: The content should be updated regularly, then there will be more chances of getting AdSense.
  • Google AdSense Policy: Read Google AdSense Policy and act accordingly. Take care that your title should avoid vulgar language etc.
  • Content and click plagiarism: Content must be completely your own and cannot be copied from someone else's content. Do not click on ads on your site or encourage others to do so.
  • Protection from ad blocking: You can use different strategies to protect your site from adblogger.
  • Adsense Auto Ads: By using this adsense will select the best ads for you. Go to the ads section from the Adsense dashboard and click on the auto ad.

If you can work according to the above steps, you can manage the WordPress site successfully.

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