

What is Technocracy?

Today we will know how technology is used to rule people.

Technocracy means rule with technology.

what is technocracy

We all are familiar with the good part of technology where technology is solving many problems in our lives.

But it has a dark and deep side which is harmful for us.

Many of us are not familiar with that part.

Today we will be introduced to the dark and evil side that threatens us.
Many of us are familiar with science fiction where a robot like Terminator comes and kills everyone or there is a supercomputer or AI that rules everyone.

Or transhuman where there is a machine in the body as well as a machine or a chip installed in the brain.
We haven't reached that stage yet.

But many things in science fiction have come to our world.

Today I will be familiar with some ideas that some people in the world are imposing on us without our knowledge or ignorance.

CBDC: Central Bank digital currency

That will be mandatory for everyone.
Where you shop, everything will be under the government and they will decide how much you can spend.

It is very terrible.

surveillance capitalism

It is a concept where all your data is sold for profit. We all know the price of data or information in this era of the internet.

There is one thing“When something is offered for free then you are the product”

We are training the algorithm with all the information we use on social media.

And all our information is used for advertisers.

With every like, comment, reaction, and video watch, that algorithm creates a virtual personality of you that decides what type of ad should be shown.

We are each a data.

That's why we should use a comparable private messenger app that has less incentive to sell your information.

For example: signal, telegram, etc.

social credit system:

It is your internet, work, and banking transactions that are regularly monitored. Do you order online, how do you transact, whether you criticize the government on the internet, your spending habits are regularly monitored and a value or point is given to you.

If you do not act accordingly, you will be in a lot of danger.

And to be an ideal citizen according to the needs of the government.

It is a system where all information about you is stored electronically in one place.

If you want to take any service in the government, you have to show it.

The governments of France and Germany have already made it.

Now the question is that apparently, these ideas seem very good, how can they be harmful?

These above methods are harmful to your privacy.

With these data, they will implement their evil intentions.

What if your bank account gets frozen because of writing a word on Facebook?

And is asked to show the reason.

Or taken from home by the police.

Or jobs, online shopping all stop.

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